ESOL Functional Skills | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

ESOL Functional Skills classes are for adults who do not have English as their first language and wish to improve their reading, writing and speaking skills.

We will give you a friendly and supportive environment where you can practise your skills and work towards gaining your Functional Skills qualification in English.

You will need to take reading, writing and speaking and listening assessments to achieve the qualification.

Assessment Methods

  • Reading Exam
  • Writing Exam
  • Speaking and Listening assessment

Progression Options

You can progress on to the next level of English or on to GCSE English and other academic courses including Maths.

Functional Skills qualifications are regonised by employers and Higher Education providers can lead to an apprenticeship or a degree.

Course Summary

Course Title ESOL Functional Skills
Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements. We will assess your level of English
during your interview and enrol you on the right course.

Attendance Requirements You will attend College for two hours a week and be expected to complete written assignment work in self-study time at home.
Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


My advice to anyone thinking of taking this course would be to be confident and study hard!. This course has helped to prepare me for the future, I would love to start my own business.

Regina Márton- ESOL

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